Google celebrates the 136th anniversary of the birth of Virginia Woolf

By: Pavel Chuikin | 25.01.2018, 09:05
Google celebrates the 136th anniversary of the birth of Virginia Woolf

Doodle Google celebrates 136 years since the birth of Virginia Woolf - an English writer and literary critic.

The best novelist of the XX century

Virginia Woolf was in the famous circle of Bloomsbury (a group of English thinkers, intellectuals, writers), was an important part of the London literary society. The most famous novels of the writer: "Mrs. Dalloway" (1925), "The Lighthouse" (1927) and "Orlando" (1928). She is considered one of the best novelists of the XX century and the main innovator of the English language. According to her novels, many films have been shot, and world famous writers have often recognized the enormous influence on their work of the works of Virginia Woolf (Margaret Atwood, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and others).

Virginia Woolf.jpg