Bend Studio has a leak: the first screenshots of the new game from the creators of Days Gone have appeared online

By: Anton Kratiuk | yesterday, 21:44
Behind the scenes of development: how the world of Days Gone was created Days Gone's main art. Source: Bend Studio

The creators of the biker zombie action game Days Gone from Bend Studio have been working on a big-budget Sony game for a few years now. According to unconfirmed information it will be a service game.

Developers did not show a single frame of the novelty, but the first screenshots appeared in the network.

Here's What We Know

Portal MP1ST claims to have received images from the online portfolio of one of the artists who worked on the interface of the unannounced game Bend Studio from 2022 to March 2024. It's not entirely clear for what reason such information was made public, but MP1ST journalists are not providing the name of the designer who made the gaffe so as not to damage his career.

The screens are not informative, but still these are the first available images of the game. To emphasise, even if the screens are authentic - they are most likely from an early version and do not fully reflect the concept and quality of Bend Studio's game.

Source: MP1ST