Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy new ZALA 421-16E2 drone used to target Lancet kamikaze drones

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 10.04.2023, 01:22
Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy new ZALA 421-16E2 drone used to target Lancet kamikaze drones

The Ukrainian Defence Forces have managed to destroy a Russian army unmanned aerial vehicle used to target Lancet kamikaze drones. It is called ZALA 421-16E2.

Here's What We Know

The ZALA 421-16E2 is a new drone, which differs from other models in the ZALA series by its deteriorated camera. It is equipped with the same system as the Lancet-3 and Lancet-3M kamikaze drones.

The flight number of the downed UAV is "0725 1". It indicates that we are dealing with a new version of the drone. All previously shot down such drones had the flight number in XXX format.

The reconnaissance drone was developed by the Russian company ZALA Aero Group. The standard version of the ZALA 421-16E2 (pictured below) weighs up to 7.5kg, has a 2.8m wingspan and is capable of flying for 4 hours. The communication range is more than 30 km.

The ZALA 421-16E2 is equipped with an electric motor that enables the drone to reach speeds of up to 125 km/h. The altitude of effective application reaches 5 km. The drone is launched using a pneumatic launcher and a parachute system is used for landing.

Source: @lost_warinua