True Japanese brevity: Tango Gameworks founder Shinji Mikami commented on the studio's closure

By: Anton Kratiuk | 09.05.2024, 14:27
True Japanese brevity: Tango Gameworks founder Shinji Mikami commented on the studio's closure

TheThere will be no sequel to The Evil Within and Pray: Microsoft is shutting down Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin and two other studios, including Tango Gameworks, came as a surprise even against the background of constant news about layoffs and liquidations of many famous studios.

The creators of Hi-Fi Rush, The Evil Within and Ghostwire: Tokyo had a great reputation: although the games of this studio did not sell tens of millions of copies, but they were consistently rated high and definitely had their own audience.

Here's What We Know

Not only gamers, but also game journalists were dumbfounded by the news of Tango Gameworks' closure, especially against the background of the fact that Hi-Fi Rush became one of the most successful games from Microsoft. In addition, today it became known that Japanese game designers were working until the last working day to develop ideas for the sequel of the colourful rhythm action game.

Famous developer Shinji Mikami, who founded Tango Gameworks in 2010, did not stay aside and also commented on the closure of the studio, but, unlike his Western colleagues, he did it with the usual Japanese laconism:

Tango is closed. Sad

It's hard not to agree with this assessment. It is indeed a pity that Microsoft did not appreciate such a talented team.

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