Apple is worth more than $3 trillion again - capitalisation grows after share price rises to $193.42

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 07.12.2023, 00:38
Apple is worth more than $3 trillion again - capitalisation grows after share price rises to $193.42

Apple's market capitalisation has once again surpassed $3 trillion, after the company's shares rose 2%.

Here's What We Know

Apple's capitalisation reached the $3 trillion mark for the first time since August this year. Shares of the American company reached $193.42. Since the beginning of 2023, the value of securities of the manufacturer from California has grown almost one and a half times (48%).

The 2023 fiscal year in the United States began on 1 October 2022. During this period, the company generated revenues of $383.29bn, a 3% decrease from the fiscal year 2022. Apple is the most valuable publicly traded US company.

Investors see Apple as a sustainable company with innovative products and high dividends. The US manufacturer will launch its Vision Pro virtual reality headset next year.

Source: CNBC