The U.S. confirmed that it had handed over anti-radar missiles to Ukraine, the AFU launches them from planes

By: Myroslav Trinko | 09.08.2022, 10:40
The U.S. confirmed that it had handed over anti-radar missiles to Ukraine, the AFU launches them from planes

The other day we wrote that The AFU uses American AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missiles, which can destroy targets up to 150 km away, and now the USA officially confirmed it.

What we know

Information was shared by the US Deputy Secretary of Defense Colin Kahl during the announcement of the new military assistance package for Ukraine. He said that anti-radar missiles had been included in previous packages. The AFU is using aircraft as a launcher for the missiles.

By the way, the Deputy Secretary of Defense does not say what kind of missiles the U.S. handed over, but most likely it is the AGM-88 HARM (High-speed Anti-Radar Missile). This is an American high-speed anti-radar missile. It was adopted for service in the USA in 1983. It has a passive radar homing head and targets radar stations. The AGM-88 HARM is capable of hitting targets from 25 to 150 km away.

Source: @DeptofDefense

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