“Be afraid and expect the worst” – hackers attacked the websites of Ukrainian ministries

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 14.01.2022, 11:11

The websites of Ukrainian ministries on the gov.ua domain were subjected to a cyberattack on the night of January 14, 2022.

Portals still not working Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Departments of Veterans Affairs, as well as State Treasury and State Emergency Service.

Unknown hackers left a message in Ukrainian, Russian and Polish on the pages of departments, the contents of which can be found in the screenshot below.

The SBU stated that the content on the sites had not been changed. According to preliminary information, there was no data leakage. Now the SBU, together with the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection, are investigating the incident.

Source: MON