Samsung continues to lead the European smartphone market with 32% in 2021

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 01.02.2022, 10:07

Analytical agency Counterpoint Research summed up the results of the European smartphone market in 2021. Three companies in total already occupy 78% of the market.

What is known

Let's start with a report on the last quarter of last year. From October to December, Samsung was in the lead with a 33% share. She lost to Apple only in the last month. The American giant occupied 32% of the market, and Xiaomi closed the top three with 15%.

Vivo was able to make a sharp breakthrough - + 176% compared to the last quarter of 2020. But the market share is a modest 2%, like realme. Even higher is OPPO, which controlled 7% of the European market in the reporting period.

The alignment of forces following the results of the entire 2021 is identical, but with different shares. Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi continue to lead with 32%, 26% and 20% of the market respectively. At the same time, the Chinese company was able to increase supplies by one and a half times, the American one by a quarter, and the South Korean one by a modest 6%.

More significant growth was demonstrated by OPPO (+94%), realme (+162%) and vivo (207%). However, even in total they are inferior to Xiaomi, having shares of 8%, 2% and 1%, respectively. The entire smartphone market in Europe grew by 8% in 2021.

A source: Counterpoint Research