The mobile gaming market is valued at $93.2 billion, more than the console and PC gaming markets combined.

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 03.02.2022, 18:55

Newzoo analysts have published a report on the study of the mobile games market in 2021. As it turned out, this segment feels great and has increased by $6.3 billion over the year.

Mobile games provided 52% of the income of the entire global industry. The segment is estimated at $93.2 billion. The total revenue of the gaming industry was $180.3 billion. The share of PC and consoles is 20% ($36.7 billion) and 28% ($50.4 billion), respectively.

64% ($59.8 billion) of mobile gaming revenue is generated by gamers in the Asia-Pacific region, which includes China and India with a population of 2.5 billion people for two. North America is in second place ($16.4 billion, 18%), and Europe is in third ($9.3 billion, 10%).

Analysts predict that the mobile games market will be worth $116.1 billion by 2024. There are two key explanations for this. First, the shortage of consoles and video cards. Secondly, the emergence of a large number of productive low-cost smartphones.

A source: phone arena