A woman ordered an iPhone 13 Pro Max, but instead received ... cheap hand soap

By: Elena Shcherban | 06.02.2022, 16:43

Unfortunately, stories when buyers receive instead of brand new smartphones some other items are far from uncommon. And another such incident happened with 32 year old a resident of London.

What happened?

Khaoula Lafhaily ordered iPhone 13 Pro Max with 36 months old contract with the Sky Mobile operator. The total purchase amount was £1,500, or about $2,000.

The order was placed on January 24, and the smartphone was supposed to be delivered within 24 hours. The problems started right away: delivery was postponed for various reasons, and the customer received the order only after 3 days.

But when she opened the box, the woman saw not a new iPhone 13 Pro Max, but a package of cheap hand soap. She immediately contacted Sky Mobile, but this case has not yet been resolved. The operator promised to start an investigation, but there are no results yet. Who replaced the phone with soap and at what stage (in the store or along the delivery route) is unclear. For example, it could be the fault of the delivery service that sent the wrong package, or the driver who decided to earn extra money in this way.

By the way, last year in China there was a similar story with the iPhone 12 Pro Max: the woman who ordered the phone received a pack of apple-flavored yogurt instead. Obviously, the scammers are doing well with humor.

A source: PhoneArena