Trophy data shows that only 47% of players pass the second level in Sifu

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 13.02.2022, 21:44

Sifu trophy data shows that most players get stuck on the second level of the game, The Club.

According to Push Square, Sifu's trophy data shows that while 87% of players were able to complete the first level, only 47% were able to complete the second, which is the biggest percentage difference.

For those who have played Sifu, this news will not come as a big surprise. The first level of the game is not very difficult, while the third and fourth have skips that allow you to go straight to the boss. The last level, although it is a serious test, by this point you will already have mastered the mechanics of the game, so it will be a little easier to pass it.

It is worth noting that these trophy data will change. Sifu will become easier over time as a future update promises add difficulty levels. However, at the moment it is possible to understand what moments in the game are currently causing difficulties for players.

A source: PushSquare