Rumor: Nothing will introduce its first smartphone next quarter

By: Myroslav Trinko | 16.02.2022, 08:47

Information has already appeared on the network more than once that the company of the former founder of OnePlus Nothing is working on its first smartphone. Now the release dates of the novelty have become known.

When to expect

According to an Indian insider under the nickname @heyitsyogesh, the first smartphone Nothing will be presented in the second quarter of 2022. That is, the novelty will debut in April, May or June. 

Unfortunately, there are no details about the smartphone. We only know that the device will work under the control of Qualcomm processor. It can also be assumed that he will receive a case with transparent inserts, like the TWS headphones Nothing Ear (1) and the Android 12 operating system out of the box. Whether it will be a flagship or a mid-range smartphone is unknown. 

A source: @heyitsyogesh