The first adventure starts in Sea of ​​Thieves

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 18.02.2022, 18:56

Adventures are plot events in the game Sea of ​​Thieves. The first of them, namely "Curtain Islands", has already begun and will last until March 2 inclusive. 

The connection sounds like this: 

The Veil Islands are opening up to a new threat looming over the Golden Sands outpost. Captain Burning Heart has disappeared from his usual place in the sky, rumors of a mysterious Belle are creeping over the seas, and the pirates of the Sea of ​​Thieves are worried. Prison Rat leader Larinna is closely following the mysterious events, so you should contact her if you want to move forward in your adventure. Larina will give the necessary tips and even call you herself, you should go to the tavern.

The adventures will come out about once a month. They will all form a single story and end at the end of the season, after which there is a constant trace in the game world. It will be recalled that the sixth season of updates will start in March. Its main feature will be sea forts - special locations for battles and research, the passage of which promises generous rewards. 
