AliExpress is sanctioned by the United States for counterfeiting

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 18.02.2022, 18:58

Chinese marketplace AliExpress, owned by Alibaba, came under US sanctions.

What is known

The marketplace has been listed as a pirate market by the US Trade Mission. The reason was the trade in fakes. The American regulator has recorded an increase in the proportion of counterfeit goods that are sold under the guise of the original.

Perepalo and social network WeChat, which is owned by Tencent. The U.S. Trade Representative has recognized WeChat as one of the largest platforms for counterfeit goods.

China has already commented on the actions of the US authorities, calling them "politicized." The PRC demands that the United States create fair and equitable working conditions for Chinese firms.

A source: WSJ