The player in the "Sapper" passed the level with 1500 mines

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 18.02.2022, 20:18

If you've ever downloaded an amazing classic Minesweeper for a quick game and then found yourself sweating when your first click shows a big red 3, you'll be grateful for Reddit OtterDeity's success in clearing 99x99 - Square Sapper Board , which in the process can withstand a whopping 1500 minutes.

OtterDeity posted a screenshot  finished board, which you can see below. Describing this experience as "nervous", OtterDeity claims that it took "about 2.5 hours" to pass, which seems to us to be quite fast for such a massive board.

The first version of the game was released back in 1992. The point is to locate all the mines on the game board using the numbers that open when you click on the board. A typical sapper board will be about 15x20 tiles in size, which will give you an idea of ​​how big the finished OtterDeity board is: You can see it above. 

The post quickly attracted a lot of attention, receiving almost 200,000 votes in the last four days. There was also a variety of Sapper debates, the most interesting being commentators' estimates of how many guesses were involved in solving the board, which led to a bigger debate about how far Sapper's deductions could take you.