Final Fantasy 14 will not have NFT, it will receive a graphical update

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 21.02.2022, 20:26

President Square Enix Yosuke Matsuda made many players drastically suck air out of their lungs through their teeth when he talked about adding NFT to Square Enix games, saying that the publisher has the "potential to issue its own tokens in the future", despite the fact that, as he put it, "some people who" play to have fun "and who currently make up the majority of players have expressed reservations about these new trends. "

In particular, the players of Final Fantasy 14 held their breath for a while, waiting for the announcement that their favorite MMO would be forced to include something as ugly as Worms NFT, or as potentially intrusive as Stalker 2 NFT. Well, here's the good news for people who play to have fun: the director of the game has confirmed that FF14 will not have NFT.

In the latter letters to the producer live Yoshida said through translator Aimi Tokutake: "Based on how FF14 was developed, we do not intend to include any element of NFT in the game at this time, so if anyone is concerned or concerned about this I can clearly state that we do not intend to include it in the game". And if this is not final enough due to "at this stage", Yoshida explained : "We're not going to include NFT in [Final Fantasy] 14."