Tencent has bought the authors of the survival game Nightingale

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 23.02.2022, 17:42

Improbable has sold a controlling stake in Canadian studio Inflexion Games to Chinese giant Tencent. The amount in question is unknown. 

Inflexion CEO Aarin Flynn, a former general manager of BioWare, will continue to run the studio. According to him, the merger will have a positive impact on the independence and creativity of Inflexion, as well as allow the release of Nightingale under the publishing brand Level Infinite from Tencent.

Nightingale is a fantasy Victorian survivor and the first Inflexion Games studio. It seems that the decision to buy the studio, Tencent was impressed by this game. 

"The very talented Inflexion Games team has a track record of developing exciting universes that combine exciting action with great gameplay. The initial reaction to Nightingale has been incredibly positive, and we look forward to supporting Inflexion in realizing its vision for this and future games." - Pete Smith, Tencent's Vice President of Partnerships. 

Nightingale will be released in 2022 due to early PC access.