Hackers from Anonymous have declared a cyberwar on the Russian Federation: Ukrainian music is played on Russian TV channels

By: Elena Shcherban | 26.02.2022, 17:22

The Anonymous hacker group published a video message to Russian President Vladimir Putin and announced its own special operation against Russia.


In the appeal, the hackers demand Putin's resignation. Otherwise, they threaten to publish "all the dirt" about him personally and his "corrupt puppets".

“You probably remember how our group hacked the Roskomnadzor website in 2018? Mr. Putin, do you remember how you lost to Afghanistan? Now we have leaked the data of the Russian Ministry of Defense. There were mail and passwords, and now this database is freely available on Twitter. It is only a matter of time before we discover the dirt that you are trying to hide from the society you are lying to. We will show each skeleton in the closet. Now we demand to restore the rights of the Ukrainian people and resign"

Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov thanked the hackers for their support: “Guys, thank you and invite you to visit the Ministry of Digital Development after our common victory over Russia!”

By the way, today most Russian TV channels seem to be hacked - they play Ukrainian music. Whose hands this is the work of (Anonymous or other hackers) is not yet clear.