A National Guardsman shot down an enemy drone with an AK-47

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 19.04.2022, 16:07

A National Guardsman with the call sign "Kaplan" shot down an enemy unmanned aerial vehicle in the Luhansk region with the help of a regular AK-74 submachine gun. This was reported on Facebook by the National Guard of Ukraine.

What is known

Ashes and a few burnt debris are all that's left of the UAV. According to the conscript, he received information from the commander that an unwanted air guest had "visited" their area. The drone flew at an altitude of 200-300 m, so it was perfectly visible. After being hit, the UAV fell and exploded.

The National Guard did not report the model of the unmanned aerial vehicle, noting that it is capable of transmitting video at a distance of up to 120 km. According to the anti-terrorist operation headquarters, such drones can be equipped with explosives, and the price of one UAV is approximately UAH 1.85-2.6 million.

Source: National Guard of Ukraine