Now you can update the Dual Sense gamepad via PC

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 20.04.2022, 14:12

A few days ago, the official Play Station website mentioned a PC program for the Dual Sense controller. Today it was officially released, and frankly, the miracle did not happen - it's a common utility to update the gamepad firmware. 

With this program, you can install updates for Dual Sense without connecting to the console. The program does nothing but display the device's charge percentage. We can also admire the system requirements for the program: 

  • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit version) or Windows 11.
  • Display resolution: 1024 × 768 or more.
  • Storage space: 10 megabytes.
  • USB connector required.

You can download the utility on the official website