Digimon Survive has a release date of July 29

By: Michael Korgs | 21.04.2022, 18:40

Digimon Survive will finally see the light of day this summer. The tactical RPG based off the nostalgic digital monster franchise popularized in the ’90s and early 2000s is scheduled to be released July 29 after several delays over the years. Kazumasa habu, the game producer, provided the video upgrade . This updated date was made public.

An RPG strategy game developed by Witchcraft and published by Bandai Namco, Digimon Survive, will feature turn-based strategic combat inbetween story beats. It features anime-inspired sequences, and familiar monsters such as Agumon return. (You know, that orange dinosaur-looking guy!)

Digimon Survive has been a long time coming. The game was first announced to celebrate the franchise’s 20th anniversary in 2018. Back then, it was expected to be release sometime in 2019. However, in the following year the game was delayed to 2020 and then thrice delayed to 2021. As you might have noticed, it’s 2022 now (it got delayed for a fourth time), so it sure did take its sweet time coming out. But hey, better late than never!

But even with an official release date, poor Agumon can’t seem to catch a break. As it turns out, Nintendo pushed up the release of its next big RPG, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, to July 29 and it just so happens to be the same day as Digimon Survive.