Meet ‘Box’, a decentralized cloud server that lets you own your data instead of Amazon or Google

By: Michael Korgs | 29.04.2022, 05:00

Building on the same ethos as Bitcoin and Web3 is, Box wants to do to storage what Cryptocurrency did to banking – break the chain of command. Instead of the status quo, where Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft make you pay subscription fees to store your data on their servers, Box has a better alternative. It allows you to buy and manage your server, and then store the data. But it’s one step better. Any extra storage you don’t use gets leased out to someone else, and you earn revenue for it.

Designer – Functionland Designs

Click Here to Buy Now: $299 $399 (25% off). Hurry, less than 24 hours left! Raised over $400,000.

Data on your Box works in a similar way to how data is encrypted on blockchain. Your Box works in tandem with other Boxes scattered around the globe. You have access to your data encrypted, and it is distributed across the Boxes so that you are the only one who can see them. This makes hacking virtually impossible. Your Box also participates in this “boxchain” of sorts. It hosts multiple pieces of data from other people and pays you.

Your photos, files and data are fully encrypted. Only you can access your data. You are the only one who can access your data.

What Box proposes is pretty unique, at least on paper. Instead of allowing big companies to store your data (and create profiles that they can sell to advertisers or governments), Box decentralizes it all, allowing people to store each other’s data. As simple as that was to explain, Box’s hardware reinforces that simplicity with an intuitive design that’s literally shaped like a box. Looking almost like a Rubik’s Cube from its top view, Box comes with a platform that lets you plug as many as 9 towers into it. The base Box provides one terabyte cloud storage. To expand this, you can either plug in framework expansion cards or add towers.

Box is stationary hardware that sits on your desk, syncs with your devices and provides all the advantages you’ve come to expect from cloud services.

Once assembled, the Box can be switched on to join other boxes and form the private, people-owned FULA Network. Fula, short for Functionland is a Blockchain-attached Storage Network that was developed by Box. This allows you to securely encrypt your data and make it inaccessible to others. Any storage that you don’t use gets rented to people on the FULA Network, allowing for you to get $FULA tokens. Your Box doesn’t mine coins. It just issues rewards based upon its Proof-of-Resource consensus. $FULA tokens have an intrinsic value that rises and falls over time too, just like any currency, and can be sold on compatible exchanges.

Fotos is a polished, forever-free app that provides swift, seamless, easy access to and sharing of your photos from anywhere, across any device.

All that technical jargon aside. Box is your personal cloud storage that you can use in a cheaper, more secure way than those offered by companies like Amazon, Apple and Microsoft. Box does not charge a subscription fee – you only pay for the hardware once. Box also makes money from the FULA network, but you can still cash in by renting additional storage to others. On launch, Box will come with its own photo storage and backup app called Fotos (which they say is free to use forever), and the company is encouraging developers and designers to make an ecosystem of apps for its users, promising rewards for them too.

When you start using Box, you start saving as much as $24+ per month, and earning $FULA tokens too.

Box’s hardware and software are both open-source, to that end… and for people worrying about the gas bills and electricity costs for blockchain-based data storage, Box’s makers say that the device is built on an energy-efficient framework, with electricity bills coming to a projected $15 per year.

Box is powered by Raspberry Pi 4, which consists of a high-performance 64-bit quad-core processor. It offers up to 8 GB of RAM, dual-band 2. 4/5.0 GHz wireless LAN, Bluetooth 5.0, Gigabit Ethernet, and USB 3.0. Box has multiple, expandable USB3 ports that serve to extend Box’s functions with more towers, or to enable it to act as a docking station.

So, is it worth investing in something like the Box? It makes good sense to invest in the Box if you are an expert on the technology. This will allow consumers to get onboard and help eliminate any kinks. As its community grows, Box’s network will become more reliable and more secure. Financially though, it’s really a no-brainer. On the one hand, you’ve got companies like Amazon, Google, and Apple charging an average of $200 USD per household per year for cloud storage (while simultaneously benefitting from your data).

Box, on the other hand, is just $299 for its Lite version, which is a single tower that provides a terabyte of storage. You can buy the cloud drive for that amount in perpetuity and expand it as you wish. Moreover, you even stand to make money from your Box by renting out the storage to other people. Why pay for cloud storage when your cloud storage could pay you, eh?

Click Here to Buy Now: $299 $399 (25% off). Hurry, less than 24 hours left! Raised over $400,000.