This cyberpunk-themed charger gives an oft-neglected accessory a makeover

By: Anry Sergeev | 02.05.2022, 01:40

Phone chargers were a dime a dozen, at least until phone makers started removing them from boxes. That presented an opportunity for accessory makers to try and outdo first-party brands in offering better performance and bang-for-buck, giving further rise to an already mountainous pile of chargers. Despite all the advancements in charging technologies, the design of chargers, in contrast, has remained drab and unexciting. This charger breaks from the norm and adds some color to an important accessory. It’s also powerful enough to charge multiple laptops including a MacBook Pro.

Designers: Qiu WenTao, Zhao Hu

Charger designs, be it for phones or laptops, are basically black or white, perhaps for no other reason than tradition. Apple’s preference for minimalist colors is often reflected in the white chargers. However, black is the preferred color for Samsung and many laptops. Given that chargers are often left plugged into wall sockets and are unseen, few probably considered it worth the time, effort, and resources to do anything outside the norm. They can, but there’s no technical reason. Fortunately, somebody did.

Angry Miao gives CyberCharge a unique theme to match the accessory’s genre. Eschewing plain white for a shade of light grey bespeckled with red and purple dots, the charger’s visual center is a decorative plate that gives a bit of life to the charger. These plates do not add functionality but have all the usual tech specifications and certification logos that you would see on electronics.

These interchangeable faces come in three designs, including a neon green shade that is often associated with cyberpunk styles. One has a metallic shine that changes from blue to violet to blue again. And to appease those with monochromatic tastes, there’s an option for a white plate that contrasts with the charger’s gray body.

Some might knock the design as a simple coating over an old object, but you have to hand it to the designers for their attention to detail. The stainless steel PVD screws that allow you to swap out the “modules” are engraved with intricate details that fit in perfectly with the cyberpunk culture’s passion for extravagant design. It might not be glowing in neon colors, but it’s a clear message that says, “Angry Miao was here.” There’s also a custom cable included in the package that has a matching colorful design with blue, green, red, and yellow stripes.

Admittedly, the charger is all serious business underneath that cyberpunk shell. The tiny box is capable of dishing out 90W of power, enough to charge some MacBook Pros, and sports both USB-C and USB-A ports. It even utilizes the now trendy GaN (Gallium Nitride) battery tech, which is how it manages to pack a punch despite its size. In essence, the charger doesn’t exactly offer any new technology and can even be outpaced by chargers from more established brands. However, it does show that chargers do not have to be boring and black.