Microsoft Edge surpasses Safari as the second most popular desktop browser

By: Michael Korgs | 03.05.2022, 17:50

While no one seems to be concerned about Windows Explorer’s popularity, Microsoft clearly is doing their homework. According to an analysis, Edge has now surpassed Safari to become the second-most popular desktop browser.

The data by Statcounter shows how Microsoft Edge has slowly been growing in comparison to Safari since March of 2021. While Google Chrome remains the most popular desktop browser with more than 66% of users, Edge and Safari were fighting for 10% of the market share each.

Now, here’s what the top three popular desktop browsers look like:

  • Google Chrome: 66. 64%
  • Microsoft Edge: 10. 07%
  • Safari: 9. 61%

If you think that userbase for Windows computers is way larger than Apple’s Macs, makes sense why Microsoft Edge has so much potential to keep growing. It could also indicate that less Mac users are choosing Safari to be their primary desktop browser. Another indication is that Safari users have decreased from March 2021 to March 2022, although Apple is selling more Macs than ever.

One reason could be the redesigned Safari introduced during WWDC 2021. While I personally enjoy the new stack design, people had lots of opinions on this new look. This is why, in the middle of the beta testing of macOS Monterey, iOS 15, and iPadOS 15, Apple changed how Safari would first appear and then only offered the new option for users if they really wanted that.

Firefox, which almost surpassed Safari in February of 2022, lost active users, although it’s not clear whether they migrate to Chrome or Edge.

Other browsers account for around 2. 5% of users and Opera accounts for 2. 44% of total desktop browser users.

What’s your favorite desktop browser? Are you using Safari, why? Please comment below with your views.

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