Spotify has launched its own island in Roblox

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 03.05.2022, 21:38

Spotify has created its metaworld by launching its own interactive island in Roblox.

This makes the music streaming giant the first brand of its kind to be featured in a popular online game. Spotify Island, as it is called, is described as "a paradise of sound, where fans and artists from around the world can explore the wonderland of sounds, quests and super specialties."

In essence, it provides the company with a view to an online community that will allow users to interact with participating artists, such as virtual meetings and greetings, concerts, and more. Players can also complete quests, unlock exclusive content under the artists' brand, and even create their own music with virtual beatmakers. 

The bright forest area, painted mostly in a shade of green Spotify, is essentially a combination of all Spotify and music in general, platform-oriented. Here you can jump, bounce and grind on the neon world, which covers the theme of "little man in the big world" thanks to the trees the size of a building and massive vines. One hollow of the tree is furnished with music keys that create musical notes when pressed. Surfing on a glittering path radiated its own melody.  

Roblox users can access and explore Spotify today (no, you don't need a Spotify subscription to visit). Spotify already has plans to support the destination with new events, artists and content in the coming weeks and months. 

Source: Gameinformer