Nintendo Switch Sports players are sneaking around profanity filters

By: Anry Sergeev | 04.05.2022, 22:25

Nintendo Switch Sports is a follow-up to the hugely successful Wii Sports, and it’s meant to be a wholesome good time for the whole family. To prevent anyone from posting anything inappropriate on an online match screen, Nintendo also has profanity filters. These filters are easy to bypass and players enjoy making crude jokes about their opponents.

In Nintendo Switch Sports , Players can make titles by choosing from a set of nouns. Some people choose to use this as an avenue for jokes and references, which are often cute and harmless.

But some users have already figured out how to manipulate these titles so that “Fan of Child” and “Fan of Mom My Milkers” jokes are prolific in the game right now. It’s not a hugely disruptive problem, as Nintendo keeps online communications relatively limited in the sports title.

It’s been a tradition of players to bypass NIntendo’s profanity filters. These filters often fail to address the problem of inappropriate material being posted on the platform. Nintendo Switch Sports fans have a lot of fun even though they use sanitized tools. This is because others can’t report them. It seems as though Nintendo Switch Sports shares many of the same problems as its predecessor, from people making inappropriate avatars to players accidentally breaking their TV screens.