Apple losing ground in US smartphone market

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 05.05.2022, 12:58

Company Apple continues to hold leadership in the home market, but over the year it has lost almost half of its lead over the main pursuer in the face of Samsung.

What is known

In the first quarter of 2021, the share Apple, according to the analytical agency Counterpoint Research, amounted to 54%. During the same period this year, the Cupertino company controlled only 47% of the market.

Share Samsung in the reporting period increased by 3% and amounted to 28%. The company closed the top three Motorola with a share of 12% against 6% in the base period. Counterpoint Research does not indicate the volume of supplies, so it is not a fact that Motorola sold twice as many smartphones than a year ago.

Also included in the top five TCL, One Plus and Google. Their shares were 3%, 2% and 2%, respectively, against 1% in the first quarter of 2021. By the way, the latter increased shipments by 152%. All other manufacturers in total supplied 6% of smart phones to the American market (it was 12%).

Source: Counterpoint Research