ReplaceRUwithUA: a project that helps Ukrainian and international companies get rid of Russian software

By: Myroslav Trinko | 06.05.2022, 12:57

Ukrainian volunteers, together with the Ministry of Digital Development and Netpeak, launched ReplaceRUwithUA.

What it is

This is a project that helps users from Ukraine and around the world to abandon Russian software and find Ukrainian alternatives. That is, thanks to ReplaceRUwithUA  you can not onlyabout finding a safe replacement for Russian software, but also supporting our developers and the Ukrainian economy during the war.

“Our goal is to invite the maximum number of users not only from Ukraine, but from all over the world, to abandon software of Russian origin and choose Ukrainian alternatives,” said Mikhail Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Source: Mintsifra