Taiwan imposes technological sanctions against Belarus

By: Elena Shcherban | 08.05.2022, 19:50

The Government of Taiwan reports on the sanctions imposed on Belarus.

What is banned and why?

We are talking about control over the export of technologies to Belarus. For example, Taiwanese companies are prohibited from exporting a large list of technological products without special permission.

First on the list, semiconductor manufacturing equipment is an industry where Taiwan is the world leader. In addition, the export of lasers and navigation systems is prohibited - in general, technologies that can be used for military purposes.

All these restrictions were previously introduced in relation to the Russian Federation.

“This move is largely symbolic, given the minimal level of Taiwan's direct trade with Belarus or Russia. But the situation in Ukraine has sparked widespread public sympathy in Taiwan due to what many people see as parallels between what is happening in the European country and what could happen if China ever uses force to take control of the island it considers it his territory,” Reuters notes.

Source: Reuters