IT army of Ukraine attacked more than 200 Russian resources over the past week

By: Myroslav Trinko | 09.05.2022, 12:39

Mitsitra has published another report with the achievements of the IT army of Ukraine over the past week.

What is known

From May 2 to May 8, more than 200 Russian online resources were attacked, namely:

  • Beer factories. Due to the mass attack, the work of the unified state automated information system that tracks the turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products was paralyzed. As a result, production stopped at several large breweries. 
  • Online shopping. Due to cyberattacks, several online stores have been suspended.
  • Tender sites. For the second week in a row, the work of dozens of Russian electronic systems for public procurement has been paralyzed, which is why Russians continue to disrupt bidding.
  • Electronic reporting systems. Residents of Russia have not been able to file reports on time for several weeks now.
  • Russian propaganda services. Due to cyberattacks, the websites of some propaganda publications did not work. 

Source: Mintsifra