1 tank, 7 infantry fighting vehicles and a company of occupiers: the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the help of American howitzers M777 destroyed the Russian warehouse

By: Myroslav Trinko | 17.05.2022, 10:51

The Ukrainian military destroyed the Rashist warehouse near Izyum (Kharkiv region).

What is known

This was told by the Military, referring to the volunteer Roman Donik. During the attack, 1 tank, 7 infantry fighting vehicles and a company of invaders were destroyed. By the way, according to the volunteer, the Ukrainian military attacked the enemy position with the help of American M777 howitzers.

Recall US donates 90 howitzers to Ukraine M777. They have a caliber of 155 mm and shoot at a distance of up to 30 km. (depending on projectiles). Such howitzers are used by the ground forces of the United States, Australia, Canada, India, Saudi Arabia, and now Ukraine.

Source: mil.in.uaRoman Donik