“A spectacle that you can look at forever”: Ukrainian artillerymen showed how they destroyed the Russian Buk (video)

By: Elena Shcherban | 17.05.2022, 19:34

The Ukrainian military continues to inflict losses on the Russian occupiers. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine showed a video of the destruction of the battery of the Buk self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system.

“The video shows how soldiers-artillerymen of the 95th separate air assault brigade, 4th separate tank brigade, 27th rocket artillery brigade, specialists of the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Korolev destroy the Buk self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system together with the attendants. SAMs of enemies burn very well. A spectacle that you can look at forever, ”the Ministry of Defense notes.

Recall "Beech" - This is a self-propelled anti-aircraft missile system (SAM), designed to combat maneuvering aerodynamic targets at low and medium altitudes (from 30 meters to 14-18 kilometers) in conditions of intense radio countermeasures. The Buk anti-aircraft missile system includes radio-controlled anti-aircraft missiles, a mobile command post, a detection and target designation station, a self-propelled firing system and a launcher.

Source: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine