The Russian military satellite Kosmos-2555 with the symbol Z followed the ship and burned down less than a month after launch

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 18.05.2022, 14:28

The Cosmos-2555 reconnaissance satellite, which was launched by Russia on April 29 this year, has already completely burned up in the atmosphere.

What is known

The spy satellite was launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome using an Angara 1.2 light-class launch vehicle. The invaders even "decorated" it with a symbol Z, but that didn't help. Although The Russian Ministry of Defense regularly reported on maintaining communication with the satellite, as well as on the correct operation of all its on-board systems.

True, later it became known that the satellite had deorbited and was not sending signals. This may mean that Kosmos-2555 was not a real satellite, but only a mass-sized object for a launch vehicle test, for which the launch on April 29 was the debut attempt to put a payload into orbit.

On May 18, at about 4 am, the Kosmos-2555 satellite successfully burned up in the Earth's atmosphere.