Marvel Snap is a new card game from ex-Hearthstone devs

By: Han Black | 19.05.2022, 20:30

Marvel and Nuverse announced Thursday a brand new mobile and Windows PC game: Marvel Snap . The game has been in development for four years and has been designed by rethinking some of the standardized elements of games such as Hearthstone.

The developers claim that the game will run quickly, with each fight taking approximately three minutes. However, they also note that players can play concurrently and not have to wait for one another. There are also new features like the “snap”, which allows players to double down when they feel confident about a win.

Founded by former Hearthstone game director Ben Brode and former Hearthstone executive producer Hamilton Chu, development studio Second Dinner has a history with successful mobile titles — and in Chu’s case, a history that includes working as a producer on Bungie’s early Halo games.

We first heard about Second Dinner in 2019, when the studio announced plans to make a Marvel game and revealed that it had raised $30 million from NetEase. At the time, the company consisted of five people, with plans to expand to 10-15 over the next few years. Currently, the studio lists 48 team members on its website.