Tesla may have Optimus robot prototype in September

By: Michael Korgs | 03.06.2022, 17:57

Elon Musk revealed that Tesla's next major presentation - AI Day - was pushed back to September 30 (it was originally scheduled for August 19). And noted that Tesla may have a functioning prototype of humanoid robot Optimus by that time. On this occasion, the CEO of Tesla reported on the current situation in a laconic tweet.

Optimus robot was first unveiled last August during the first Tesla AI Day. Then it became known that Optimus will have a height of about 173 cm, weigh about 57 kg and can lift 20 kg. It will operate using the same AI systems as Tesla's electric vehicles. According to Elon Musk, a robot will be able to perform routine tasks - such as shopping.

Since the first presentation of Optimus, Elon Musk has repeatedly mentioned humanoid robot. He promised to decentralize control over the work of the Tesla Bot in order to avoid an undesirable scenario with the uprising of machines and talked about plans to use robots in Tesla factories. In April 2022, Musk announced plans to begin production of the first version of humanoid robots in 2023, and in May, Tesla stepped up hiring specialists to develop a "general humanoid software architecture"