Elon Musk threatens to refuse to buy Twitter if the problem with bots is not solved

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 09.06.2022, 11:49

American billionaire Elon Musk threatened the owners Twitter refuse to purchase the platform, because the latter, according to the businessman's lawyers, violated the terms of the purchase agreement.

What is known

Almost immediately after Musk announced plans to buy Twitter, he complained about a large number of bots. CEO lawyers SpaceX stated that the team Twitter did not release data on the fake accounts issue, although under the terms of the purchase agreement, Elon Musk has the right to access this information.

If a Twitter does not reveal data about spam bots, the transaction may not take place. We will remind, earlier it was said that Elon Musk can buy a platform for microblogging for $44 billion.

Estimated SparkTori and Followerwonkwho carried out study  in mid-May, 19.42% of accounts are bots. Moreover, almost a quarter of Elon Musk's followers are either fake accounts or spam accounts. Himself Twitter assures that the number of bots does not exceed 5%.

Source: The Verge