iOS 16 will allow you to bypass CAPTCHA in some applications and on websites

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 21.06.2022, 10:18

After the release of the stable version iOS 16 this fall, you may notice that now you don't have to deal with a huge number of annoying captchas asking you to move a puzzle piece or choose hills or palm trees. This is because Apple represents a function for its iPhone and Mac named "Automatic Verification"which lets some sites know that you are not a bot and you don't really need to be tested. 

Apple has partnered with two major content delivery networks Fasrly and Cloudflare over the development of this system. When you visit a site from iOS 16 or macOS Ventura, then sites that use any of these spam protection services should be able to take advantage of new systems and stop showing you so many CAPTCHA

It should be noted that this is not the first attempt to abandon CAPTCHA, but the scale of Apple means that this time we can really see tangible progress. A system used for a similar function Apple calls it private access tokens, and it remotely resembles its password reset system. Here's a very simple idea of ​​how it works: Your device analyzes a variety of factors to determine that you are human. When you go to a site that usually asks you to be tested on a bot, that site may ask your phone or computer if it is being used. If your device says "yes", you will be passed without further ado. 

Like most of the new technologies it offers, the Apple there is a history of confidentiality. The company claims that though yours Apple ID is used as proof that you are a real person, your phone or computer does not send related data (such as your email address or phone number). The only thing the site gets is that it is, in fact, a positive review from Apple. Similarly, Apple only knows that your device asks you to confirm whether you are human; he does not receive information about who wants to know.

Source: The Verge