Team Fortress 2 has released its first update since a peaceful community protest

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 22.06.2022, 17:36

In late May, the community Team Fortress 2 staged a peaceful protest to draw attention to the huge number of bots - they interfered with normal play and could, for example, throw a few real players out of the match. Almost a month later Valve has released an update that should address at least some of the issues. 

The main changes in the patch are the correction of exploits and other errors. Including: 

  • Fixed vulnerability related to in-game text chat cleaning
  • Fixed a vulnerability where players could use the sv_cheats console command on secure servers 
  • Fixed a vulnerability that allowed you to teleport to your respawn if you touched an enemy pass and changed equipment or class 
  • Fixed a vulnerability where players could spam noise with the help of the Whitlick Beetle 
  • Fixed lag animations on Halloween bosses, skeletons, ghosts and other vampires 
  • Fake death with "Death Bell" Spy is correctly taken into account in the quick status bar of the team 
  • Updated voting system 

These are not all fixes - a complete list is available here.

In the comments on Reddit satisfied with the patch faster - it will be easier to deal with bots. Although some note that in the global sense the problem is not solved - one small update is not enough. Although, someone hopes that Valve just did not write all the corrections to catch botanists in any intricate trap. 

In addition, players are happy that Valve finally fixed some bugs, such as lagging Halloween animations - they were not related to bots, but calloused the eyes of the community Team Fortress 2 for a long time.