The War of Mine will be studied in Polish schools as part of a special program

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 29.06.2022, 21:41

A few years ago, news began to appear that the Polish government intends to make This War of Mine to the list of works that are recommended for study in schools. Now the application process completed   - The game became the first element in the new program "Games in Education".

"Educational Games" is an additional (ie, optional) optional school program where games are planned to be taught along with exercises, learning scenarios and tips for teachers. The games included in the program can be downloaded free of charge through the website of the Polish government. It also warns of responsible use: if the game is included in the program, it does not mean that it is no longer copyrighted and can be distributed as desired.

As note on the page "Games in education", This War of Mine has been discussed many times in the pedagogical and social context. The game enhances the humanistic reflection from the point of view of the victims of military conflicts - defenseless residents, including children. Lessons from  This War of Mine accompanied by excerpts from thematic literature - for example, from the Polish poet and novelist Myron Byaloshevsky (Miron Białoszewski).

The training materials were compiled with  11 bit studios  - creators This War of Mine.