Netflix "collapsed" over the premiere of the "Stranger Things" season 4 finale

Yesterday, July 1, the service Netflix released the final episodes of season 4 of the series "Stranger Things". However, there seemed to be a lot of people who wanted to watch it, so the service "went down".
What happened?
According to the monitoring service Downdetector, at exactly midnight Pacific time, the service experienced more than 14,000 outages. Netflix itself did not comment on the problem, but quickly resolved it - the full work was restored in 30 minutes.

Recall that the first seven episodes of "Stranger Things" was released in late May and allowed the tape to become the most popular English-language series Netflix: in the first three weeks it has more than 781 million hours of viewing. Yesterday, the last two episodes of season 4 debuted, which in total last almost four hours. Thus, series 8 is 85 minutes long and series 9 is 150 minutes long.
Source : Bloomberg