The eighth patch for Baldur's Gate III is out - with a bard class, a dwarf race and literary images

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 08.07.2022, 13:06

As expected, the eighth patch of Of Valor and Lore added v Baldur's Gate III bard class But that's not all - somehow list of changes takes as many as 19 pages! Here we list only the main ones.

Bard class

Initially, this is a support class that buffs allies, allowing them to attack more powerfully and more often. But upon reaching the third level, the bard can choose one of two subclasses - with an inclination to different styles of play:

  • A bard from the college of valor fights with a simple weapon, dealing fatal blows. A signature skill increases weapon damage and armor class or adds a 1d6 bonus to your next attack roll, skill check, and saving throw.
  • A bard from the college of knowledge uses spells in battle and weakens enemies. The signature skill unleashes a barrage of insults on enemies, inflicting a 1d6 penalty on their attack rolls, skill checks, and damage taken until their next turn. There are a total of 97 images in the game, one of which sounds like this: "Your eyes are like pools of cool urine"

Musical Instruments

A favorite class with the Performer skill can play four instruments (flute, drums, lute, and lyre) and simply whistle. With their music compositions, they are able to earn money and distract opponents.

A race of dwarves

At the start, dwarves gain +1 to Intelligence and a skill that gives advantage on saving throws against magic based on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

Dwarves are divided into three subraces with different bonuses:

  • Forest Hermits: +1 to accuracy and darkvision.
  • Deep Dungeon Dwarves: Improved darkvision and camouflage in rocky terrain.
  • Mountain Dwarves: +1 to concentration, darkvision, and double mastery on history checks.


  • Small enemies like animals and goblins now move and attack in groups at once. This should make battles faster.
  • The game has become more cinematic - facial animations have become more realistic, NPCs have learned to respond to dialogues, and critical attacks from a long distance now show an approach from a spectacular angle.
  • Appearance settings have expanded. For example, there are 10 new skin colors, and all 66 hairstyles are now available for every race and body type.
  • You can dig up treasures with a shovel.
  • Elves got unique animations.