The Black Mesa Classic demo trailer is a demo of the Black Mesa remake based on the Half-Life engine

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 08.07.2022, 21:01

The whole meaning of Black Mesa was to create a remake of the first Half-Life on the engine of the second. But along the way, a number of fairly serious corrections were made to the game, so it will be not just a remake, but a kind of alternative version. And now a second team of enthusiasts is going to port these edits back into the first Half-Life.

Demake of the remake was called Black Mesa Classic. Authors of fashion set themselves very ambitious tasks:

  • Give the first Half-Life of a new kind, remaining within the framework of its GoldSrc engine.
  • Push the boundaries of what is possible in the engine - make more detailed textures, a more realistic environment and collect a new base for other modders.
  • Leave system requirements such that Black Mesa Classic worked on any PC.

Black Mesa Classic presented back in 2019, and recently released a trailer and a demo version - a full chapter of We Got Hostiles. According to the developers, they left a few surprises that differentiate their version of We Got Hostiles from the original Half-Life, and from the original Black Mesa.

True, the demo was quickly removed from public access - at the last moment they found some serious bug there. They promise to return the sampler as soon as possible, and in the meantime, they share a saved copy of the Demo in the comments on Mod DB.

There are no release dates in fashion yet. Most likely, you will have to wait a long time: in the accompanying materials, the team Black Mesa Classic says it has lost some key developers and is now looking for map designers and modders.

The demo should reappear on the page Black Mesa Classic on Mod DB.