HBO will release a documentary about the stories of VRChat people

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 12.07.2022, 19:04

VRChat is something between a video game and a social space, from which memes periodically fly into the modern Internet: for example, about Uganda-Knuckles and "This is Kazakhstan" ?. But in the documentary We Met in Vitrual Reality, they want to show how VRChat affects people's lives.

The protagonists will be several people in their virtual account: Jenny, who teaches the language of the deaf and mute through VR, and two couples who have been dancing in VRChat, live far from each other and are preparing to meet in person.

Scenes in We Met in Virtual Reality are recorded right in the middle of the game, and the entire tape remains within the framework of VR avatars and virtual worlds. But, according to the authors, communication in VRChat is accompanied by humor, random interaction and unexpected events, which are also characteristic of real life.

We Met in Virtual Reality launches on July 27. The tape is released on the HBO Max service under the HBO Original brand.