Microsoft is reportedly testing a new Game Pass widget for Windows 11

By: Michael Korgs | 04.08.2022, 14:31

The new Microsoft widget should make it even simpler to discover out which games are coming to PC Game Pass. For the time being, Windows Insider participants can only access the widget; it is designed to provide a "view into the service's game library," allowing you to see recent additions and those about to leave.

Microsoft currently offers a very limited number of widgets in Windows 11, although a Game Pass widget suggests that Microsoft is experimenting with additional programs (that aren't so dreary as the weather, a calendar, or news). Windows 11 is supposed to support third-party widgets in the future, but adding Game Pass may be an effective way to get people interested in the subscription service right now and might even help promote it.

The new Game Pass widget, which is now live on the Xbox site, shows upcoming and departing games in addition to providing a portal to the Xbox app. Microsoft says it's working on adding even more functionality to the widget, including personalized recommendations and a method for you to sign into your Xbox account and start up a game that you've recently played.

If you're a Windows 11 tester, you can add the Game Pass widget by going to your PC's widget board and clicking the "plus" icon next to your user profile. After that, choose "plus" next to Game Pass and the widget should appear on your board.