Planet of Lana will be released in spring 2023, not this year as expected

By: Dmitro Koval | 17.08.2022, 19:47

The list of games that, for one reason or another, will not be released this year, added a new member - Planet of Lana. On Steam, the developers announced that the project is postponed until the spring of 2023.

The reason for the postponement has already become standard for this year: the game is simply not finished in time:

"We've been burning with this project for a long time, so we want to make sure that when it finally comes out, you get it in the best possible way!"

The developers promise to share news about the game at gamescom. Attendees will also be able to try out a demo of the game.

Planet of Lana will be released on PC (will be available on Steam and the Microsoft Store), as well as on Xbox. On release day the game will be available on Game Pass subscription for both platforms.