Estonia buys Polish Piorun MANPADS, which can destroy air targets up to 6.5 km away

By: Myroslav Trinko | 08.09.2022, 10:38

Estonia has signed a contract with Poland for the purchase of Piorun man-portable air defense systems.

Here's What We Know

This was announced by the Polish Ministry of Defense. During the signing, the number and amount of the contract was not named, but if we believe the rumors, we are talking about dozens of MANPADS and hundreds of missiles for them.


Piorun is an anti-aircraft missile system of Polish production. It is designed to combat low flying targets: aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles. It can be used by one person. Piorun weighs 16.5 kg. Its range is 500-6500 meters.

By the way, the AFU uses Piorun MANPADS in the war against Russia. With their help, the Ukrainian defenders have repeatedly shot down enemy helicopters and UAVs.

Source: @MON_GOV_PL

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