Polish Krab self-propelled artillery units with a range of fire up to 40 km helped the AFU to liberate Kharkiv region

By: Myroslav Trinko | 13.09.2022, 11:59

Information continues to appear on the Internet about the equipment used by Western partners for the liberation of the Kharkiv region.

Here's What We Know

This time the Internet published a video with Polish Krab self-propelled artillery units. The video "lighted up" three units, but there are about 40 of them in Ukraine.

Recall, Krab is a 155 mm self-propelled artillery unit. It has the turret from the British AS-90 SAU and chassis from the Korean K9 Thunder SAU by Samsung Techwin. The Krab is capable of firing 6 rounds per minute. The maximum range is 40 km.

By the way, on the video except the Krab SAU you can also see an American armored vehicle HMMWV.

Source: @visegrad24

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