Neil Druckman hinted that on September 26, fans of The Last of Us should expect new announcements. This will happen on the day of the game, which is called "Outbreak Day"

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 25.09.2022, 14:18

In his tweet, the author of the series of games The Last of Us Neil Druckmann hinted that on September 26 we should expect the announcement of new projects in the TLoU universe. Interestingly, this will happen on the official day of The Last of Us called "Outbreak Day", because in the first part of the game, on September 26, 2013, the fictional world of Naughty Dog died.

Here's What We Know

There are several options for what can be announced.

New details of The Last of Us series from HBO Max.

In general, HBO MAX plans to show a new trailer for the series on November 8, when the company will celebrate its 50th anniversary, but this event is still a month and a half away, so it is quite possible that on September 26 we will be shown another teaser, or more details about the upcoming project to warm up the audience's interest.

Independent online mode Factions, which is based on The Last of Us Part II

Earlier, Neil Druckmann has already stated that the studio is developing an independent online game based on TLoU II. But the only thing we know at the moment is concept art and information that Factions will have its own story, a big city and new characters, and more details were promised to be provided later.

The Last of Us Part II Director's Cut announcement

Famous game journalist Tom Henderson said back in January that a director's cut of The Last of Us Part II is in development, but there is no information about it. If the studio is indeed working on a version that will further reveal the eerie adventure of Ellie and Abby, then we will look forward to the announcement on September 26.

The Last of Us merch

"Outbreak Day" in 2021 was not without the announcement of new figures, T-shirts and other merchandise that fans of the series will love to buy, so it's definitely worth expecting, but there are hopes that this year Naughty Dog will be able to show something more than figures of familiar characters.


"Outbreak Day" is an event in The Last of Us that took place on September 26, 2013 with the outbreak of cordyceps infection, which changed the world into "before" and "after". In honor of this day, every year the creators of the game hold a special event where they give fans an even deeper dive into the universe of the game.

Source: @Neil_Druckmann