South Korea will transfer Chiron (KP-SAM Shingung) MANPADS to the AFU: the system is capable of destroying air targets at a distance of up to 7 km

By: Myroslav Trinko | 30.09.2022, 12:34

South Korea plans to transfer Chiron (KP-SAM Shingung) man-portable air defense systems to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The editorial staff of gg has studied this complex and will now tell you what it is.

Here's What We Know

Chiron (KP-SAM Shingung) is a South Korean man-portable air defense system produced by the LIG Nex1 company. The development of the system began in 1995, and it entered service in South Korea in 2005. The Chiron was specifically designed to protect troops in the forward area.

The complex is designed to combat enemy aircraft. For example, it can destroy helicopters at ranges of up to 7 km. The probability of hitting non-maneuvering targets is 90%. The Chiron boasts a missile with jammed homing head and high-explosive warhead. In addition, the man-portable air defense system has a "friend-or-foe" system and a Samsung thermal imager for night use. By the way, in addition to South Korea, the Chiron is also in service in Indonesia and Peru.