Elon Musk unveiled a prototype of the Optimus robot-humanoid

By: Dmitro Koval | 01.10.2022, 20:02

Tesla CEO Elon Musk unveiled a prototype of the humanoid robot Optimus at his Tesla 2022 AI Day presentation.

Here's What We Know

The robot uses artificial intelligence software and sensors with Autopilot driver assistance features. According to Musk, the current prototype can work much more than what was shown at the presentation, but it was the first time it worked fully autonomously.

No exact price was given, but Musk said such a robot would cost "less than $20,000." Answering a question, the inventor assured that Tesla is very good at creating artificial intelligence and the occasions necessary for robotics, as it has experience in making cars.

When asked what makes the Tesla robot different from other similar robots, the billionaire said that the Tesla robot can be produced in millions of units and has much more functionality.

The developers also said that the presented work model was developed in just six months. Discussing the obstacles they had to overcome to go from a prototype to a working version, they hope to do it within a few months or years.

Source: The Verge